Separation Anxiety Is Real: Helping Your Preschooler Manage It

Child in preschool

Going to preschool is a huge milestone for kids. That’s why it’s understandable that they might hesitate for a bit and act out because of anxiety.

If your child suddenly throws a fit on the first day of preschool classes in Phoenix, don’t fret. Although it seems worse, it won’t go on forever. But, how do you manage it and how do you help your little one overcome it?

Managing Preschool Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety disorder among children who are going to preschool is common. The source of their anxiety is the fact that everything is new to them. They will be out of their comfort zone and therefore, don’t know what to do. The good news is that there are ways to help kids manage their anxiety.

Say Goodbye – One of the simplest (but also hardest) things you have to do is to say goodbye to your child. It’s a must, especially if you want to alleviate their anxiety. Before you leave them in school, give them a hug and a kiss and tell your kid that you’ll be back soon. Don’t attempt to delay or even linger while waiting for them to smile. It’s time to teach them how being “independent” works as early as possible.

Kids who are starting in preschool thrive in routine. So, try to give them a structure, especially when you’re saying goodbye. You can do a special handshake or high-five that only the two of you know. You can also kiss your kid’s chin, asserting them that you’ll be there as soon as classes end. Whatever your idea may be, make sure that it’s something special that only the two of you share. Make it a habit by doing it every day.

Trust the Teachers – You also need to put your trust in your child’s teachers. Preschool teachers know various ways to help calm kids. These range from having them do a few activities to giving hugs and offering comfort. They know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to handling children.

No Bribery – Never attempt to bribe a child. While it can work, it’s only going to be a temporary solution to your problem. The best way to deal with this kind of situation is to face it head-on until your child finally gets over it. In most cases, children happily settle down minutes after their parents leave. There are even times when they completely get over their anxiety after a few weeks or even days.

Preparing Children Before Going to School

Mother taking her child to school

Preparing your child for the first day of school is a great way to reduce anxiety. You can start by introducing your child ahead of time of all the typical school activities.

You can also your kid visit their future classroom before school starts. This will help them get familiarized with it. Lastly, have your child meet their teachers. This will make it easier for your preschooler to feel comfortable in class.

Going to preschool is a massive shift for every kid. Let your child adjust to it ahead of time to help your little one feel less anxious.

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