Help During Trying Times: Disability Aid During the Pandemic

healthcare person

Change is inevitable in this world, even more so during the time of the COVID-19 crisis. The coronavirus has forced most of us to re-think our ways. The processes we do at work, the way we bring our children to school, all these have not been left unscathed by this pandemic.

It also touched on all facets of personal health. Physical health was impacted because people cannot freely do the physical activities they used to. Mental health is also affected since most cannot leave home, forcing them into isolation. It’s quite a time for brain injury lawyers to work because they cannot freely visit their clients, although they do have to thank the advances in modern technology for video visits and Zoom meetings.

This is a challenge for healthy people, but what about the truly disabled and infirm? How can they protect themselves while most are protecting their homes? Take a look at these suggestions.

Shielding and Vulnerabilities

One of the most significant issues during the COVID-19 crisis is sheltering in place of vulnerable people. However, it is not clear whether vulnerable included people who have disabilities. If they are, then they’re in a bit of trouble; some of them will have trouble keeping themselves in isolation.

Not everyone with disabilities would develop COVID-19, according to reports. What’s important during this time is to set which people are truly at risk with COVID-19. The ones who will find themselves indeed at risk during this time are those who don’t have the capability to say what they’re truly feeling and those who have very limited mobility.

Trusting Friends and Family

During this time, if you’re away from your loved ones who belong to the category described above, you’re going to have to put your trust in your family left with them. It’s the same situation with your friends. If you want to, you can ask your friends to look after your disabled loved ones for you.

Your friends can help by looking for medical supplies for you during the pandemic. You can also rely on them to help you with medical costs since 68% of those with disabilities have seen their social benefits reduced under the current crisis.

There are guidelines to help your friends and family care for disabled loved ones. If you feel like your infirm family members are under a lot of struggle, consider asking for help in caring for them during COVID-19.

Preparation Trumps Late Execution

There’s no question that preparation is indeed better than a cure that’s late in coming. It’s one of the better ways to cope during the pandemic and a big help for people living with disabilities. This includes planning for the worst (caregiver becomes sick or transportation becomes unavailable), among others.

Stock up on groceries and household items during the pandemic. There have been many stories where people with disabilities ended up with no supplies because they could not get those items. Supermarkets have become busier while online shops’ slots are always taken sooner than later. Stock up when you can and ensure that you won’t experience a shortage in supply.

person sanitizing

Government Acts: The Coronavirus Act 2020

For people looking for the government response to disabled people during the pandemic, some laws are enacted to help people cope with their situation the best. Most of it is directed towards disabled people, but some look out for you as well. This act in question is the Care Act of 2014.

As for those with disabilities, the SEND Act, or the Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, helps those who need the most help. It will provide the flexibility of a temporary nature to the EHC plan and, in turn, helps front line workers provide direct support to those needing it the most. It also makes for a more streamlined response to the coronavirus.

Learn What You Can Online

Lack of information is the biggest enemy during the coronavirus, so make it a habit to access the Internet. There are people with disabilities who can still do this—if you can help them, direct them to the sources they really need to read. It offers guidance for the caregivers as well as information from funding to shielding themselves effectively.

We are all in this together, from the truly disabled to the people that care for them. Embrace the change and make sure to know the information regarding disabled care under the pandemic as soon as it’s released. It will make your life more comfortable despite the COVID-19 crisis.

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