Building Connections

shaking hands

Employee Termination: Proper and Legal Laying Off a Worker

As most businesses know, its employees are the lifeblood of any business model and are the backbone of any company in driving up shareholder value. But even though most employees will work hard to ensure that the company’s net worth will steadily increase, there will be times that employees won’t meet the company standards in


Search Engine Optimization: What Will Its Future Look Like?

With technology being at the helm of most of the world’s economy, it has a major influence on the future of a lot of companies; whether it’s small-to-medium business enterprises of large burgeoning corporate giants, technology is constantly evolving to fit the needs of the general public. Most businesses and companies are vying for control

restaurant owner

Three Cost-effective Ways You Can Keep You Business Alive During the Pandemic

It’s not just loved ones that other people lost during the pandemic. Some lost businesses too. Others were just lucky enough to stay afloat. There are some who are on the brink of bankruptcy too. But there are also others who doubled or even tripled their profits during the height of the pandemic-induced economic slowdown.

Business technology

Intimidating Technology: Real Reasons Why Many Entrepreneurs Fear Automation

We live in an ever-changing world, and the only way to survive and stay competitive is to welcome change in your organization. No matter the type of industry your business is in, it makes sense to keep up with the latest trends. This way, you can edge over your competitors and cater to your target

woman talking to 2 people

Helping Your Employees Help You — Addressing Performance Issues

Not all employee performance reviews will be positive. Expect targets to be missed and some employees to underperform, and as an executive figure, you’ll need to find a way to improve the situation or part ways with an employee. When it comes to the daunting task of addressing staff performance problems, you need to focus

entreprenuer with tablet

How Entrepreneurs Can Invest in Themselves in 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has been hard for everyone in the world, and business owners and entrepreneurs have not been exempted. But as hard as the pandemic and recession have been to those at the top of the food chain, those who have a stable income undeniably have it much easier than those who have lost

employees working

The Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Team Communication and Performance

While teams from businesses big and small heavily rely on data and analysis to make informed decisions and execute the necessary steps to attain success, cognitive intelligence alone is not the sole determinant of performance. Sure, the critical and analytical mind is more than capable of driving growth, but depending on these hard numbers and

man working on laptop

Keeping a Remote Team Engaged Is the Key to Long-term Success

Businesses rarely adopt new technologies quickly. The internet had been around for years before it became standard practice to have a company website. Now, companies are embracing the digital frontier. They have a social media presence and list themselves on a business directory app. Many even pay to have their own apps developed. Remote work

job interview

Getting the Top Talents: 4 Benefits That Can Make Your Company Attractive

The employees are the most valuable assets of a company, especially for those seeking expansion plans. You will find that getting a lot of productive people in line with your goal for profit can translate to success. If you want your business to thrive, you will have to find ways to recruit the top talents.


The Right Choice: Making Better Business Decisions

For business owners, their employees trust them to make the right calls when necessary. Considering that some business decisions that you make will affect the profitability of a business, you need to be sure that you make the right choice. Here are some things you can do to ensure that you make the best decision

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