Types of Schools for Your Child

During the transition of students, it’s important to enroll them to the right institution with a nurturing environment to make them well-prepared for high-school. You can find a reputable middle school in Salt Lake City.

The Educational Structure in the US

The American Education System offers a variety of options for both U.S. citizens and international students. However, without the understanding of the country's educational structure, choices may overwhelm students. This guide can help narrow down your search and develop an excellent education plan for your children.

Primary School

In the U.S., children take compulsory schooling in primary school. The elementary education, which is the initial stage of formal education for students, is being given to children with the age of between 5 and 6. The curriculum depends on the organization structure and educations motives of individual schools and local communities. In primary schools, children get to know the following:

  • The fundamental skills of reading and writing
  • Understanding of geography, history, crafts, music, art, science, and mathematics
  • Enhancing the body through physical education

Some primary schools started teaching foreign languages to students. Children receive homework. However, other primary schools require a few tasks for children to do at home.

Middle or Intermediate School

High school student raising his hand for recitation in class

Some students from primary schools experience difficulty and struggle in transitioning to high school. The relevance of enrolling your child to an intermediate school is to promote healthy study habits, maintain an interest in learning, and realize the essence of education. Through intermediate schooling, your child will get used to how high school will be and learn to excel.

Moreover, many people use junior high school and middle or intermediate school to describe the same types of schools. But there is a distinction. Unlike junior high schools that are more subject-oriented, intermediate schools are more student-focused. The intermediate school helps children in developing self-awareness, the need to be accepted by their peers, as well as determining where they fit in.

If your child isn’t ready to take geometry or algebra, let her spend the middle school period for the meantime. This will make your child well-prepared to tackle those subjects when she starts high school courses.

Secondary School

Secondary schools provide the second stage of formal education for students. The institution typically admits students with an age of 11 to 13. Secondary education is essential because students get detailed knowledge to make them prepared for a more pressing run —getting into tertiary education for a career choice.

Students discussing at the staircase of school

Moreover, accomplishing secondary education opens up opportunities for most young people.  Working right after high school can be a struggle, but it’s a feasible option for some individuals.

In secondary school, students have the chance to choose a program leading them to college or a career in business or industry. Students receive adequate counseling as they begin to plan their careers in life.

Know your children and support them towards their highest potential. There are better ways to make them ready in the adult world. Education is a necessity in life and the most treasured privilege that one can have.

The Author

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