The Necessary Do’s (and Absolute DON’T) When Driving at Night

There is an estimate of at least 1.25 million road crashes annually, with an average of at least 3,000 deaths a day. Every driver needs to know the basics of driving safe – and that road safety is every driver’s responsibility.

Driving in the day is already dangerous as it is, and a majority of car-related accidents happen in broad daylight. So imagine driving in the dark – this would automatically mean that the danger doubles. There are a few differences when you drive in the day compared to when you drive at night.

But as always, safety will remain as a top priority. Here are a few road safety tips to help you drive better and safe at night.


One of the dangers of nighttime driving is the absence of the sun – therefore, the lack of light, and less road visibility. However, you could still rely on road lights or street lights to guide you. But to completely ensure your safety, there’s no harm in taking precautions for yourself by equipping your car with more lights.

Test how well your headlights and taillights are working – if they are all still functioning and positioned well to aim correctly. Usually, bigger vehicles have more blind spots than normal cars and create more trouble in the dark.

So adding light bars – like led light bars for bigger cars and trucks – would help you in seeing the road more clearly. Plus, the extra lights would also make it easier for other drivers to spot you.


Most people go home during the night, so everyone’s in a hurry, but reducing your speed and driving more cautiously would surely get you there safely. Gauge your distance with other cars using your headlights and be aware of your distance. Stop with the gaps between vehicles more than you do in the day.

The lack of light could sometimes play tricks on your vision, so adjusting the distance is a safer option.


Dirty windshields are nothing but annoying yet seemingly harmless in the day. But it is completely different when it turns dark for there could be glares from other cars’ headlights that could blind you once it hit the windshield. So for your vision and safety, wipe your windshields.

Also, make it a habit to wipe your windshields before leaving for a trip since there could be some leftover smudges that your wiper is incapable of cleaning.


Fatal car accidents involving alcohol are four times higher than in the day. If you had a fun night out with friends or family and drank too much, then avoid driving at all costs. Do not put your life or anyone’s else life in danger by driving drunk or under the influence of alcohol.

Have some of your friends drive you, or call a cab – but, do not drive! If in any way, however, you suspected someone of drunk driving, keep your distance, avoid them on the road, and call the authorities.

Driving at night is twice (if not more) as dangerous as driving in the day, but proper road awareness and being a responsible driver would not only put your life to safety but several others’ as well!

The Author

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