Taking Care of Business: Your Career Options After Business School

woman in her home office

Business degrees are among the most popular to study at universities. Nearly one in five students are studying business as a major, according to an article by the Washington Post. Having a business degree opens you up to a lot of career opportunities.

Now that you have your business degree, what do you do with it? Here are some career options with different concentrations that you can explore to jumpstart your career in the business industry.

Career Options for Graduates with Business Degrees

You have a broad range of career options because business degrees are versatile and needed in every industry. You can choose from traditional or non-traditional career opportunities.

  • Careers in consulting and advising

Your degree in any business-related field can help you be a business advisor or a business consultant. As a business consultant or business advisor, your job is to help your clients be decisive. You’ll work with clients base don your area of expertise, like mergers and acquisitions, business structure, or operational matters.

You could become a mentor to a first-time CEO who wants to grow the business or be a consultant for a traditional company looking to rebrand and explore new markets.

  • Careers in advertising, marketing, and promotions

You can also explore careers in advertising, marketing, and promotions. Your education as a business major equips you with the basic knowledge of finding out generally what makes a business tick and what draws customers in.

You can think from the perspective of your client’s target market, thus making careers in the field of advertising, marketing, and product promotions perfect for you.

  • Careers in sales

business owner

A career in sales is a more traditional job opportunity after receiving your business degree. You can use your entrepreneurial skills and educational background to help corporate companies generate revenue.

  • Careers in law

A slightly different career path you can take after studying business is becoming a corporate lawyer. Of course, you need to study an additional number of years and take an exam before you become a certified and registered corporate lawyer.

  • Nontraditional careers in the education and the health sector

You can also explore jobs in the education and health sector. You can use your degree in business to teach business at a university. If your interests are in line with imparting knowledge to others, then you should pursue a career as a professor.

You can also pursue a career in the health sector as a healthcare administrator. This job requires a person to know the basics of accounting, budgeting, marketing, ethics, and business law. This is because you’re tasked with managing health care organizations, which include budgeting their finances.

And finally, you can benefit from your education by developing a business. After all, it makes sense to apply what you’ve learned for your own success.

A business degree is versatile and applicable in a variety of industries. It’s a good foundation to begin your career in the corporate world. With a wide variety of opportunities, you can explore both traditional and nontraditional career paths to discover where you’ll fit and flourish.

The Author

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