Nine Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Business Computers

people working at the office

Upgrading your business’ computers can improve a lot of aspects in your business, from customer experience to employee efficiency. Find out if it’s time to upgrade by looking for these signs.

You may have invested in top-notch units when you first started your business, but there will come a time that they will become outdated. Once your computers reach a certain point of age, they may no longer function as efficiently as they used to, thus affecting your business processes–and ultimately, your sales.

If you notice these signs in your business computers, you might want to think of an upgrade soon:

Reduced speed

Are your employees complaining of their work computers being slow? If so, it may be time to call in Psion repair or computer specialists for an upgrade. Reduced speed can translate to slower work performance and poor efficiency that’s beyond your employees’ control. Upgrading to newer, faster models will take care of the problem and boost productivity for your business.

In some cases, you don’t have to replace the computer altogether. You can first determine what’s causing the slowdown, be it a lack of memory or outdated hardware, then fix that specific problem. However, if your computers are already nearing the end of their lifespan, investing in new units may be more cost-effective.

New software

Software has specific hardware requirements to run. If your units are too old, they may not be able to support the software. Thus, before upgrading your business software, determine if your current computers can support them first.

If your computers are too old to support the software, it’s a clear sign that you should upgrade. This is especially true if the software can significantly improve your business processes. If so, then the upgrade is well worth it.

Noisy fans

Excessive noise is a sign that your computers are nearing the end of their lifespan. This usually happens when you run an updated software or a new operating system because the programs are making the hardware work harder. Moreover, a fan will run noisier if the computer is producing excess heat. If the problem is ignored, the heat can start affecting other crucial hardware in the unit.

Large units

Newer models of desktops and laptops are becoming smaller and smaller. If your employees are still working with huge units, it may be time to upgrade to smaller, more portable models.



Frequent repairs

If you find yourself calling a computer repair specialist more frequently than usual, it can be more cost-effective to replace the units altogether. Furthermore, constant repairs can lower work productivity, since your employees will have to wait until they can use their computer again.

Replacement is also highly advisable for computers that need major repairs but are being fixed with band-aid solutions. Instead of prolonging the inevitable (which is likely the system breaking down completely), take the opportunity to upgrade now.

A lack of multi-tasking capability

Computers that are unable to run two or more applications smoothly can lead to poor work productivity and lower morale. Sometimes, the fix is upgrading RAM, but if you need to run more complex programs, you may need a better computer.

Slow shutdown and startup

Those ten minutes wasted on waiting for the computer to shut down and startup can be used for many other things. Hence, if your employees’ computers are taking forever to start and shut down, upgrading should be in your line of vision.

Slow shutdown or startup can be caused by both software and hardware problems. Sometimes, the fix is as easy as freeing up disk space. Other times, it can require a total overhaul of hardware. Ask a computer specialist to determine the problem and see if you can repair instead of replace.

Security issues

Lacking IT security measures can leave your business susceptible to malware, data breaches, and other cyber threats. If your business computers are too old to support the latest security updates, don’t take the risk–upgrade your systems as soon as possible. If replacing the operating systems is not enough, you might want to get newer models altogether.

More complex programs

If your business needs to use more complex programs, upgrading to new models can be a worthwhile investment. Even if the current machine can support the program to a certain degree, it may not be able to run other programs simultaneously. Consult with your IT team regarding this matter, as well as the employees who will be using said programs, to determine what type of machine requirements you need.

Keeping your business computers up to date is essential if you want to maintain optimum efficiency, performance, and productivity. Pay attention to your machines and keep a lookout for these signs. Otherwise, you may find yourself lagging behind the competition.

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