Indexing Content: 4 Reasons Google Won’t Do It

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Digital marketing services in Phoenix and other metropolitan areas understand the importance of getting Google to index the content. However, the challenge lies in making the non-technical people understand where Google is coming from. That’s why the content is not shown in the search engine results pages (SERPs). If explaining to current and potential clients reached a problematic level, here are some points to consider:

Your website lacks relevant and valuable content

Since February 2011, the year when the Panda algorithm was introduced, Google is constantly on the lookout for low-quality sites. These are the “thin” websites and pages that offer no real value to their target audience content-wise. That said, take a moment to check your website’s content. Does it contain the information your target customers are looking for? Does it provide information not available on any other sites? Will you share it? The more insightful the content, the better and more share-worthy it becomes.

Your pages include unnatural links

person searching in googleGoogle bots rely on the site’s link structure when crawling it for indexing. However, if your website has unnatural links and in alarming numbers for each page, the spiders or bots would consider your website spammy. Therefore, it won’t do user experience (UX) any good. Algorithms are created to detect natural from unnatural links. It works both ways: internal and external links. It would be best to eliminate all unnatural links on your website, as well as those linking to your website, by disavowing them.

Your site is not easily accessible

Other than the logical link structure wherein all the pages must be reachable from a static text link, there are many instances when the bots cannot make it pass the domain. One such example is that the pages are declared nofollow and/or noindex, so the robots.txt, as well as the sitemap.xml files, must be checked for any discrepancies affecting indexation. In addition, codes including iframes, JavaScript, and flash elements may render the entire website, not just specific pages, inaccessible.

Your domain is affiliated with a deceptive service

If you’ve used a fly-by-night digital marketing service before and it used black hat or deceptive tactics on your website, chances are your website is included in the list of banned sites. The same applies if you purchased the domain the way it was now without investigating its history. It could have already been included in the list for all you know. In the same vein, if another website disavowed the domain, it may raise the red flag for Google.

It would be wise to tell the client that a complete website audit to determine the root causes of the difficulties of getting the site’s content indexed or deindexed is necessary. Then, proceed accordingly. Any efforts implemented for the said clients’ websites are just a waste of resources if Google would not index the content anyway.

On the other hand, it would be equally important to educate the client why they need to refrain from gaming the system. If you are the client and you cannot do it by yourself, enlist the help of the experts. Hire a digital marketing firm that has a proven track record when it comes to these matters.

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