Improving the Lives of the Less Fortunate During the Pandemic


The pandemic had a significant effect on businesses across the country. Thousands of businesses closed, with some of them shutting their doors permanently. The closures resulted in the unemployment of thousands of Americans. Around 40 percent of the unemployed had been out of work since the pandemic started.

Companies that remained open also asked their employees to work from home. While their situation was better off than those who lost their jobs, remote workers also faced issues affecting their mental health.

But there’s another group in society that people tend to overlook due to their situation. The less fortunate members of society have also suffered a lot due to the health crisis. Before the pandemic, the marginalized were already facing challenges that put their survival at risk. The situation worsened due to the pandemic.

Even as social entrepreneurs worked to provide for their basic needs, other people can still pitch in. Here are some ways people can help the less fortunate members of society during a pandemic.

Donate Extra Funds

Unemployment may have increased due to the pandemic, but some people are still lucky enough to still have jobs. A number of them may even be working from home, which means lesser expenses. While they may feel anxious and stress due to the new working situation, they will feel better if they do something good for others. Studies have shown that people who perform acts of kindness give them a good feeling, which can benefit their self-esteem.

Besides giving to local and national charities, they can also donate to health centers and hospitals on the front lines of the fight against the virus. They can also give to GoFundMe fundraisers for healthcare and other essential workers affected by the pandemic.

People can also support local businesses, particularly those that also help the less fortunate. Supporting these businesses keeps them afloat and provides employment, allowing them to continue their charitable work in society.

The important thing here is that people should do their part to help the marginalized who are struggling to survive in the middle of the health crisis.

Provide Supplies

People who have enough funds can also help by donating any extra supplies they have to food banks, healthcare centers, and charities. For instance, they can give non-perishable items like canned goods, rice, beans, and pasta. They can also donate any spare masks they have to hospitals and healthcare centers.


If they were among the lucky ones who have a good supply of rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizers, and disinfecting wipes, they could donate the extra ones to a social group that helps the underprivileged. They can also donate any old but usable clothing if they are not wearing them anymore. It also gives people the chance to de-clutter their homes and clean their closets.

Promote Education

Schools closed when the pandemic started, and students had to attend classes virtually. While some schools offered hybrid learning, most online classes focused on protecting the children from the virus. In this situation, people who have many unused gadgets and equipment can donate them to charities to distribute the gadgets to less fortunate students. These gadgets can include tablets, laptops, or even a personal computer.

Helping the children in their education does not only mean providing materials to the children. It can also mean people using their talents and skills in helping the children catch up on their lessons. For instance, retired teachers can also help the neighborhood kids who have learning disabilities by helping them through reading enrichment programs that allow them to catch up on their learning.

Provide Pro Bono Services

People who have special skills or talents can offer them for free. Like a retired teacher who can help enhance the education of underprivileged students, a lawyer can also provide legal services for free. A tailor can make homemade masks for the underprivileged for free. The tailor can even sew masks for hospitals and medical institutions to beef up their supplies.

Small businesses typically provide jobs for the less fortunate members of society. But with consumers shopping online, they may have to let them go due to low revenues. Web designers can help these small brick-and-mortar stores by providing appealing websites that these store owners can use to sell their products and continue employing the underprivileged. The web designers can also photograph the products the store will post on the website.

The pandemic affected all sectors of society and has turned the world upside down. But the underprivileged are affected the most since they already had less even before the pandemic started. This makes it essential for people who have something extra to do their part in helping them and the community as a whole.

The Author

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