How to Keep Your On-Site Staff Safe from COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily taken away activities that people enjoyed. The bars had to shutter, the concert halls are empty, and the theaters remained dark. Things that people took for granted have all disappeared.

In an effort to curb the spread of the virus, people were asked to stay home. Netflix and other streaming services became the primary source of entertainment in many households. Concerts had been postponed and will not be returning any time soon. Despite the opening of many venues in the United States and around the world, people stayed at home.

There is an increasing demand for home entertainment systems in the absence of cinemas and festivals.

But, with the virus still going around, is it safe to send your team out for home audio and video installations? Here are safety protocols to follow to minimize the risk of illness. installation

Wear a Mask

face mask and surgical glovesWearing a mask is, right now, the most effective way to prevent the spread of the disease. When you wear a mask, you are not just protecting the people around you in case you are infected. There is evidence that proves that wearing a mask will protect you from getting infected.

One doctor said that wearing face coverings reduce the wearer’s risk of illness by as much as 65%. It is not infallible; no masks can completely protect a person from COVID-19. That is why the next steps are equally important, too.

Keep a Safe Distance

The World Health Organization recommends keeping at least six feet distance away from others. This would minimize the spread of the coronavirus.

Your staff should stand six feet away from each other and six feet away from the clients. No excuses. The distance must be maintained at all times.

Bring Sanitation Supplies

COVID-19 infection can also happen by touching surfaces that have the virus. Instruct your team to bring alcohol-based sanitizer and use it before, during, and after the installation. Encourage them to wipe items and surfaces as well before they touch it.

Ask Your Clients to Take Precaution

Before you send your team out, discuss safety protocols — both yours and theirs. They should wear a mask, too, during the visit. If they refuse, then cancel the appointment. The health of your staff and the client should be your priority.

Take the opportunity to explain the installation process, too. Explain what your staff will do inside their home and other information that will be necessary during the appointment so that the visit will be quick.

Look Out for Symptoms

Not everyone who is infected will feel ill, but most who have the virus will experience mild symptoms such as coughing, fever, muscle pains, loss of sense of taste and smell, etc. If a member of your staff is sick, do not make them come to work. Unless they have been tested negative, there is a chance that they have the virus and might pass it on to you, their coworkers, and the clients. It is better to err in caution than suffer the consequences.

The public health crisis shows no signs of slowing any time soon. However, businesses cannot remain closed as long as the virus is around.

You can continue your operations and keep your staff protected by following these safety precautions and every advice by public health experts diligently.

The Author

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