Drive Safe: 5 Life-saving Driving Tips for Every Beginner

student learning to drive

When you’re out on the road, you need to anticipate any possible outcome. Keep in mind that there are many reckless drivers out there. Sudden road hazards may also come out of nowhere. As a responsible driver, take all necessary precautions. Keep your eyes on the road and avoid distractions. Always practice safe and defensive driving.

Road Accidents Statistics in the United States:

  • More than 37,000 people die in road accidents annually.
  • Nearly 2.40 million people get hurt, injured, or disabled due to car accidents every year.
  • Nearly 1,700 children under 15 years of age die in car crashes yearly.
  • More than 8,000 people died in car accidents involving drivers ages 16 to 20.
  • On average, the US spends approximately more than $230 billion annually on road accidents.

These figures only show how important it is to practice safe and defensive driving at all times. Here are some important reminders to prevent car accidents:

1. Never Use Mobile Phones or Any Gadget while Driving

According to reports, over 70,000 car crashes happen every year in the United States due to distraction from phone use. Needless to say, don’t text and drive. If you need to use your phone, make sure you have a wireless headset, so you can keep your eyes on the road.

2. Pay Attention to Traffic and Road Signs

Make it a habit to observe and follow traffic and road signs. There is a reason authorities and experts put up those signs, and that is to prevent road accidents. Always stay within the speed limit, and watch out for any road warnings. Obey the traffic lights, as well. It only takes one wrong turn at a signal light to cause a serious car crash. In case you get hurt in a car accident, it’s best to consult a legal expert. For more complex cases like getting head injuries, look for a reputable brain injury lawyer in Everett. These professionals can help you get fair compensation for medical bills and property damages.

3. Keep Distance, and Stay on Your Lane

Driving too close to the other vehicles is not a good idea. Keep distance at all times to make sure there is enough room in case you need to make a fast stop. This is a general rule for defensive driving. Stay on your lane, especially when driving on a highway. The last thing you want to happen is to get caught off guard by your own car’s blind spot.

4. Give Others the Right of Way

car on the road

This is the best way to avoid road rage and prevent accidents. Set an example to everyone by giving other drivers’ right of way. Keep in mind that you’re not in a race. It only takes a few seconds to wait. You will still get to your destination safely in no time.

5. Inspect Your Vehicle Before the Trip

Engine breakdown, flat tires, and other mechanical problems can put your life at risk. Make sure to check your car before you leave. Take your car to the nearest gasoline station or an emergency pit stop. Check if there’s enough water. Inspect the tire pressure, as well. This is important, especially if you’re going for a long road trip. Additionally, have a look at your car’s blind spot.

It is true that you can never predict accidents, but having the discipline when you’re at the steering wheel can make a big difference.

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