Crash Course on Social Media Advertising for Online Selling Amid the Pandemic

social media

Advertising on social media is a lot trickier than, say, posting memes. There are a lot of factors at play: the hierarchy of information on the caption, the demographic, and the time of day you should post the ad.

According to the Digital 2020 report of DataReportal, the number of social media users has surpassed the 3.6-billion estimate. Additionally, Facebook’s First Quarter Report of 2020 recorded 1.73 billion daily actives users on average, with an increase in engagement.

With the changes in social media consumption, businesses should be able to adapt their marketing strategies to garner more reach and engagements. Additionally, since more people are getting into online selling, these tips can help you get started:

Write informative captions

Captions should provide information about your products and services. For example, not everyone knows what Hallertau Blanc is, so when they come across an ad about this, the audience should be educated about what it is. Consider including a short and concise description of what it is.

One thing that online sellers refuse to put on the post is the price, but many would contend that this is not ideal. A viral tweet about this garnered 224.1K likes and 65K retweets, and this is a candid consensus from potential social media audience.

By adding more information on services and products, including prices, saves time for you and the customers by eliminating inquiries. It also gains people’s trust in the brand because of the sense of having full disclosure of the product.

online business

Know Your Demographic

Your target audience matters because the business would want to strategize their marketing for those who would most likely support their services. For example, if your team wants to appeal to the Gen Z, Instagram would be the best platform as 72% of 13-17-year-olds use it.

Different social media platforms mean different demographics, and Sprout Social has the data to individually set the demographics apart:


The majority of Facebook users are females–75% of women and only 63% of men.

The age range of 18-29 and 30-49 both have 79% of users individually. This is followed by 50-64 (68%), 13-17 (51%), and 65+ (46%).

A big majority of the people in the urban area (73%), those earning $75K+ (74%), and have ‘some college’ education (75%) use Facebook.


There’s a huge gap between the genders of Instagram users: 43% of women and only 31% of men.

13-17-year-olds (72%) are the dominating users of the site, followed by 18-19 (67%) and 30-49 (47%). Those in the older age brackets still use Instagram, though, with 23% and 8% of people ages 50-64 and 65+ using Instagram, respectively.

The highest numbers come from the urban area (46%), those earning $75K+ (42%), and have higher educational attainments (43%).

Post on the best times

The projected peak engagement times on social media in 2020 differ. On Facebook, the best times are Wednesday at 1 p.m. and Friday at 11 a.m. For Instagram and Twitter, it’s Wednesday at 3 p.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m., respectively.

However, since the coronavirus hit, the numbers have been different:

  • Facebook: Every weekday at 11 a.m.
  • Instagram: Monday and Friday at 11 a.m.; Tuesday at 2 p.m.
  • Twitter: Friday at 9 a.m.

Posting on these times and following these tips give more chances for your posts to be seen by people across the site. This earns more organic reach and engagements.

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