Child Neglect: Everything You Need to Know About It

Child Neglect

Everything is bright in the eyes of a child, but what if a parent or guardian abuses or neglects this child? Would the child be the same? Parents or guardians should be the first people to protect their children. They must keep them safe and happy but sadly, this doesn’t always happen. There are times when they’re the ones who do the abusing. Concerned citizens who suspect something wrong is going inside that home should call authorities and lawyers in Glen Burnie who can help. Here’s what child neglect and abuse mean and other important information to help a child in need.

What is Child Neglect?

Child neglect is the act of a parent or guardian that harms the child. This could be anything from abandonment (not attending to the psychological and emotional needs of the child) and denying medical care, nourishment, clothing, and shelter to not allowing the child to go to school. Lack of supervision also falls under child neglect.

Concerned citizens can notice the victim of neglect easily. If the child is of “school age,” there will be absences as well as evidence of malnutrition, poor hygiene, and lack of medical care. The child won’t be able to wear proper clothes and may even beg for money or food. Other noticeable patterns are alcohol abuse or even drug use. Lack of medical care includes no dental care, glasses (if needed), and immunizations. The child is also prone to foul smell due to lack of attention from the parent or guardian.

Child Neglect

What Are the Causes and Treatment of Child Neglect?

Some parents’ actions are not intentional. Some of them do it because they also have battles of their own like having psychological problems or other developmental issues. Some parents lack the abilities to earn a decent income, hence the limited resources. Another reason may be due to family dynamics like this was also their experiences in their childhood. For that reason, they have no idea how to care for their children.

Treating the child is not the only concern here. The parents should also take education classes to teach them how to become better caregivers. They should also attend other services if they’ve got substance abuse problems and other issues that affect the way they care for their children. The main victim — the child — should also get support for physical and psychological health.

As mentioned, some parents don’t intentionally harm their children. Some experience traumatic childhood themselves, thus their lack of knowledge and capabilities to nurture a child. Some other reasons are stress within the family, health issues like mental illness, and their age when they become parents.

Consequences and What to Do

Children who suffer from neglect may suffer from different health problems like behavior disorders, cognitive impairment, social behavior disorders, etc. They may also lose the capacity to form meaningful relationships. Most of all, they may develop brain impairment due to the lack of immunization and proper nutrient intake. Lastly, concerned citizens should contact authorities and lawyers. Most kids who experience this are afraid and they don’t know how to ask for help. Calling the people who can help saves a child in need.

Child neglect is a sensitive situation. A person with a golden heart won’t be able to stand that a young person undergoes this. The child who suffers from this needs help and assistance. It’s important to call the people who can help to save a child.

The Author

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