A Guide to Enhancing the Shopping Experience for Mall Customers

woman shopping

More individuals are purchasing products online than ever before. One 2019 survey revealed that about 60 percent of millennials do their shopping on the web, higher than 47 percent from the survey conducted in 2017.

This doesn’t mean, however, that brick-and-mortar stores found in shopping malls are dead. The majority of consumers still want to touch and see a product before buying it. These stores enable customers to do these actions.

Delivering a stellar in-store experience, therefore, is crucial for shopping mall owners. When customers walk into a store, they want and expect a shopping destination that offers great comfort and a pleasant experience.

Here are seven suggestions to help you improve the in-store experience for valued mall shoppers:

1. Keep the Customers Comfortable While They’re Shopping

The ambience of a shopping mall should give a refreshing and welcoming feeling to visitors.

One way to achieve this is to improve the performance of your establishment’s cooling systems by using pressure-independent balancing and control valves. These components help regulate the temperature in cooling systems and allow these machines to sufficiently supply cool air to every building area. Shoppers inside the mall will then feel cool and comfortable.

Apart from keeping the building cool, add thoughtful decor to your establishment. A fountain at the centre of the mall, for instance, provides a relaxing atmosphere to the overall surrounding.

2. Play the Right Music

The right sound design and song or music choice can influence the shopping experience of a visitor. Check if the sound levels of your mall are consistent.

Then, select an appropriate soundtrack for your commercial establishment. The music you’ll choose will depend on the type of customers coming into your mall. By playing the right songs or music, you can improve the mood within the building and form a positive culture around your mall brand.

3. Make Shoppers Feel Safe

Customers walking inside a mall want to feel safe, especially during these times of uncertainty. Since these establishments provide public access, mall owners are responsible for keeping people safe while they’re inside the premises. Apart from implementing the usual hygiene and cleanliness protocols, here are the suggestions you could follow:

  • Make sure that the stores inside the mall have clear and obvious sight lines. This minimises the likelihood of shoplifting, as the store clerks can see the customer’s movements at all times.
  • Install surveillance systems and hire roving security staff to help shoppers feel secure.
  • Make the exit signs visible for shoppers. By doing so, customers will know exactly where to go in case of an emergency.

4. Train Your Staff to be More Customer-Friendly

When shoppers enter the mall, the first people they interact with are the mall staff. Train your employees to deliver quick and friendly service to shoppers. If your customers have questions, make sure that you have courteous mall staff ready to respond to their inquiries.

person with shopping bags

5. Make Mall Areas Child-Friendly

Sometimes, customers shop with their families. If they’re bringing their little ones to the mall, you’ll want to keep them entertained. If your establishment has a toy or kid’s section, install a mini-playground next to it. Parents can leave their young ones to have fun in the play area and pick them up once they finish shopping.

6. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Certain tech devices can make your shopping mall worth visiting. If your shoppers are having trouble connecting to your mall’s free Wi-Fi service, for instance, install the best Wi-Fi extenders you can find to boost the signal and allow customers to stay connected on the web.

You could also install the appropriate smart lights to deliver a memorable retail experience. The right lights can make the mall environment safe and engaging for your valued shoppers.

7. Improve the Look of Your Food Court

Shopping for goods is a fun but tiresome activity. When shoppers are famished, they usually head over to the mall’s food court to get some grub. If your food court has seen better days, give it a makeover and make it more visually appealing. An eye-catching food area that offers tasty meals can enhance the overall shopping experience.

When redesigning your food court, make sure that the interior looks aesthetically pleasing. You want shoppers to feel a homey environment where they can relax and refuel their stomachs after shopping for so long.

Take note of these seven suggestions to improve the overall shopping experience in your mall. You want your commercial establishment to be both engaging and welcoming so that people entering your mall will be encouraged to shop, dine, have a grand time and revisit your place regularly.

The Author

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