8 Ways To Give To Your Employees To Show Them You Value Them

Employees in a meeting

Employees and workers are the lifeblood of every business. It doesn’t hurt if you show them how much you appreciate their contribution to making your business grow.

8 Things to Give to Your Employees to Show Them They Are Important and Valued

  1. A listening ear

Set aside time in your schedule for short one-on-ones with your staff to talk to them, not about work but about their life — their dreams, ambitions, career or family goals, even some of their personal concerns.

While you might not be qualified for divorce mediation, the fact that they know you are concerned about their concerns is already a big thing for them. This shows them that you see them as human beings and not just a means to an end.

  1. Compliments and praises

We know the value of compliments and praise in boosting morale and confidence. However, throwing out general compliments aren’t as effective as one would hope.

Complimenting is an art in itself that you need to master. We’re not suggesting flattery. What you want to go for is a sincerely specific and specifically sincere compliment that tells your employees you know what they did and how important that specific accomplishment was to the company.

Instead of saying, “Awesome job last week,” which is very general, you can probably say, “Closing that deal was one of our company’s highlights last week. Thank you for patiently pursuing that client and landing us that project.”


  1. Open doors for growth

Provide training for them and send them to conferences and workshops to add value to them as professionals. Be there to guide them as they make certain career decisions that will bring them to a higher level of competency.

Giving your employees opportunities for career advancement and personal growth tells them that you want to see them succeed in their work and career.

  1. Trust

Trust is a valuable commodity in any relationship, including a working relationship. If you trust your people, it shows them that you are confident with their skills and the quality of their work. One of the best ways that trust is shown in the workplace is by giving your team greater responsibilities and chances.to take ownership of certain tasks.

  1. Easy access to you

One of the things that hinder a good boss-employee relationship is the impression that workers cannot approach their manager for their concerns. Try leaving your door open so that they get the impression that your office is a welcome place for them and not off-limits. Once they feel that they can freely approach you, that’s when they start to trust you not just as a manager but as a person.

  1. External feedback

Feedback is a great motivator, especially if the feedback is great. Let your people hear about all the positive feedback about their work to let them know that they’re doing a great job and that your clients, customers, or higher-ups appreciate them.

  1. Treats or gifts

Line of employees

This one is pretty obvious. While it might be expensive to do daily or even weekly, you can occasionally treat your employees to a catered lunch at the office or foot the bill when you go out drinking after work or give them gifts or tokens to show them you appreciate all their work and that they deserve the special treatment.

  1. Heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation

Sometimes a simple yet heartfelt thank-you is enough to do the job. If they did something exceptional at work, thank them. If you see how much they’re struggling but they’re still giving their all to get the job done, appreciate them.

Just because they’re getting paid to do what they do doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take time to show your gratitude to them.


Make your staff feel that they are significant and valued in your workplace. It won’t hurt you or your business if you do. In fact, it might even benefit you in the long run.


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