Too Old for Piano Lessons? How Age is an Advantage in Learning

It might be daunting to start taking piano lessons in Las Vegas if you’re new to the place. The skyscrapers, bright lights, sparkling nightlife, and bustling urbanscape can be overwhelming and more intimidating instead of exciting. You might begin to feel that you are out of place and that you should have gone there as a child and started learning the arts early. You might think that you are too late. But nothing can be farther from the truth.

There are countless advantages of learning how to play the piano as an adult. Of course, many music educators and piano teachers will argue that children pick things up more easily. Still, adults have other advantages, including deeper analytical thinking, better discipline, and more freedom of choice (meaning no one will force you to continue and work more than what you feel). The truth is, one can learn at any age.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Find a mentor. Look for an appropriate teacher whose temperament is a good match for yours. You do not necessarily have to be the same, just compatible. For example, if you’re too hard on yourself, a relaxed teacher will suit your needs and help you calm down. If you need help pushing yourself, a firm hand will force you to discipline yourself further. Either way, make sure that your teacher understands your unique way of learning, your pace, and your musical tastes.

Woman listening to music

  1. Listen. Speaking of musical tastes, you should practice the simple, repetitive notes and chords before you can start easy classical pieces, then instrumental renditions of your favorite hit songs. It may sound annoying to everyone in the house at first, but reassure them that this is a necessary step. One day, they will hear more complex and beautiful music drifting through the air, right from your fingertips, and they will appreciate the process that took you to get there. You can also ask for feedback from the people in your house.
  2. Practice. Discipline yourself even if you are exhausted from work or household chores. In particularly difficult days, use practice time to clear your mind and unwind — that is, play without structure and looking at the music piece. But when you can practice from the piano book, do it regularly. Do it often enough until your brain picks up little subtleties from the music and begin to memorize its flow. There is no way to improve one’s musical ability except through constant practice.
  3. Listen again. Listen to classical music and piano renditions of your favorite hit songs. Listen on repeat, taking note of the pace of the music, rhythm, and flow, and internalize it to feel the music in your heart. So that when you play, your core plays along with you, and the piece sounds genuine and beautiful.

People can learn how to be musical at any age. Instead of looking at your number of years as a disadvantage, focus on your maturity as an asset. You will get there in time.

The Author

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