5 Industries that Benefit Most from Social Media

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Social media marketing is relatively new in the business world, and many assume it’s a ‘marketing fad.’ However, despite the skepticism around it, according to consumer reports, 92% of business owners state that they trust social media and word-of-mouth marketing more than other forms of advertising. Although any business can benefit from social media, there are some industries where social media success comes more naturally.

If you’re thinking of starting a business and want to rely on social media for ultimate success, here are five industries best suited for social media marketing.

Finance and Accounting Industry

Companies that offer accounting services provide business owners with the help they need for payroll processing, bookkeeping, auditing, and other financial management aspects. Accountants are in constant demand, and more accounting companies are having a hard time generating leads. That’s why social media marketing for accounting firms is crucial, allowing any accounting business to provide a positive impression to their target audience.

Placing your accounting firm in a ‘social’ atmosphere where individuals can share, like, and express their thoughts about your industry can improve your existing traffic conversation rates.

Entertainment Industry

The massive impact that social media has had on the entertainment niche is undeniable, making social media and the entertainment industry a perfect lucrative match. A common goal of businesses in the entertainment industry is to grab the attention of as many individuals as possible. Since social media is a form of entertainment, sharing content with your audience will not be challenging.

When you provide entertaining content, you increase your chances of growing drive engagement while building a loyal community. For instance, according to a 2015 study about Facebook posts, the entertainment industry accounted for over 63% of all posts, which helped them grow massive communities.

Real Estate Industry

The real estate niche depends on charisma and visibility, which are available spades on social media. Most real estate agents get their sales through references, which is easier to grab when your friends are only a single button-click away. Posting on popular social media platforms like Facebook provides a more effective ‘virtual signs’ than conventional ‘for sale signs.’ Agents can ask their friends to share their content, or use Facebook and create highly targeted advertisements for more fruitful results.

couple and agent

Retail Industry

This niche will always be at the top of the social media food chain. Large and smaller companies can enjoy the many benefits of social media marketing, such as having constant access to feedback on new products and dealing with customer complaints before the situation gets out of hand. Besides being able to tend to customer needs quickly, the retail industry can benefit from popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to promote their products to many individuals at once.

Technology Industry

Tech firms are one of the top industries that have significant advantages over social media as their specific niche is always ‘trending,’ making people more interested in it. Technology companies can also show off everything that makes their product unique with ease while providing an arm of support, allowing them to assist their customers by sharing useful tips and troubleshooting steps.

If you’re looking to establish a business and want to achieve quick success through social media, consider the industries listed above for the best and profitable results, allowing you to succeed with ease.

The Author

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